Your colors. Your style. Set free.

Your colors. Your style. Set free.

Your colors. Your style. Set free.

"Welcome! I'm Kristin, Certified Image and Color Consultant in Georgetown, TX.

My passion is to empower and equip you to be able to make confident

color and style choices so that fashion indecision is a thing of the past. I offer

in-person and virtual sessions, so no matter where you live, I can help!

Let's work together to make getting dressed enjoyable!"

"Welcome! I'm Kristin, Certified Image and Color Consultant in Georgetown, TX.

My passion is to empower and equip you to be able to make confident

color and style choices so that fashion indecision is a thing of the past. I offer

in-person and virtual sessions, so no matter where you live, I can help!

Let's work together to make getting dressed enjoyable!"

"I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well."

Psalm 139:14

"I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well."

Psalm 139:14

Outfit panic?

No confidence?

Bland clothing?

Outfit panic?

Outfit panic?

No confidence?

Bland clothing?

Outfit panic?

Do mornings start with outfit panic?

Do you default to stretchy workout clothes or the same ol' jeans and t-shirt?

Has your body shape changed and your clothes just don't fit right anymore?

Do you have a closet full of black clothing because it’s “safe” and “everyone looks good in black… right?!”.

You're not alone.

As your image consultant, I will guide you beyond bland basics and decision fatigue. Together, we'll find your perfect colors that light up your face and clothing styles that flatter your frame. 

We'll discover your style personality so that your clothes harmonize happily, making it easier to put outfits together. We can also work together to weed through your closet and reveal where your outfit gaps are. 

Ready to rewrite your style story? Explore my services, peek at my testimonials, and let's get started. 

Get ready to walk with unbound confidence, for you are a masterpiece, painted by a loving Creator who was made to SHINE!


Color Code Confirmation

This confirmation is done virtually via email and lets you know which is the best Color Code for you. Perfect for confirming your FREE Color Quiz results! Includes Digital Color Swatch Collection. $45

Color Mini

This budget-friendly option will provide you with the basics, so that you will understand your color code and can get started making great clothing choices. This is a 30 minute Consultation, virtually or in-person. Digital Color Collection included. $75

Color Party

Gather 6 friends (incl. you) for individual color analysis + digital swatches. Only $79/person!

The Color Experience

Ready to ditch drab and embrace vibrant confidence? This complete color analysis will demonstrate your colors, contrast levels, best choices for jewelry, cosmetics, and more! $200

Color Experience for Two

Grab a friend and save $50 per person on an Unbound Color experience for two! $300

Color + Style Experience

Ready to unleash your inner radiance and unlock the power of a cohesive style? This 2-hour Image Consultation with Color Analysis is your key to unlocking a wardrobe that celebrates your unique essence and empowers you to conquer every realm. $300

Closet Edit

Is your wardrobe overflowing with forgotten clothes, conflicting styles, and unanswered outfit dilemmas? Don't worry, my Closet Edit is here to transform your fashion purgatory into a paradise of confidence and clarity!

Color Code Confirmation

This confirmation is done virtually via email and lets you know which is the best Color Code for you. Perfect for confirming your FREE Color Quiz results! Includes Digital Color Swatch Collection. $45

Color Mini

This budget-friendly option will provide you with the basics, so that you will understand your color code and can get started making great clothing choices. This is a 30 minute Consultation, virtually or in-person. Digital Color Collection included. $75

Color Party

Gather 6 friends (incl. you) for individual color analysis + digital swatches. Only $79/person!

Unbound Color

Ready to ditch drab and embrace vibrant confidence? This complete color analysis will demonstrate your colors, contrast levels, best choices for jewelry, cosmetics, and more! $200

Unbound Color for Two

Grab a friend and save $50 per person on an Unbound Color experience for two! $300

Unbound Style + Color

Ready to unleash your inner radiance and unlock the power of a cohesive style? This 2-hour Image Consultation with Color Analysis is your key to unlocking a wardrobe that celebrates your unique essence and empowers you to conquer every realm. $300

Closet Edit

Is your wardrobe overflowing with forgotten clothes, conflicting styles, and unanswered outfit dilemmas? Don't worry, my Closet Edit is here to transform your fashion purgatory into a paradise of confidence and clarity!



Jessica H. - Jacksonville, FL

"My virtual color experience with Kristin was more than I ever expected. I had never shopped by color and pattern before, and Kristin showed me the difference vividly. The entire consult appointment felt like putting on glasses for the first time! It was interesting to compare and contrast images of myself in the right color code vs. what I'd always done and finally "see the leaves on the trees." Kristin is outgoing, kind, and so informative. She made me feel excited and valued as a customer. I highly recommend a personalized color experience with Kristin!"

Janice C. - Jarrell, TX

"My experience with Kristin was not only helpful and eye opening, it was therapeutic! She made me feel pampered and special. It was very encouraging to have someone walk me through the process of finding colors that accent and emphasize my hair and eye color and skin tones. I can now walk into my closet and stores with more confidence knowing I'm choosing the right colors! I have permanent makeup tattoos on my eyes and lips, but she also helped choose a lip color that "popped" that I can wear on special occasions when I'm feeling a little "spicy." Thanks Kristin, you are amazing!"

Jessie W. - Georgetown, TX

"My style and color session really opened my eyes to see what colors and styles truly compliment me, bring out my best features, and flatter my figure. I feel more confident going forward in choosing the best colors from my wardrobe and for future purchases. Kristin’s questions helped me more fully understand my style and her tips I now know how to showcase it. I felt seen, encouraged, and confident that I can go forward with my style and I’m looking forward to letting it shine. Thank you Kristin and Unbound Image!"

Brooke W. - Georgetown, TX

"I had such a fun time with Kristin learning my coloring and what looks best on me. I didn't know that I was able to wear some colors that I liked but thought didn’t look good on me! She taught me how to adjust my colors if I want to change my hair color in the spring and summer."



I’m Kristin Hoenicke and I live in Georgetown, TX with my husband and two teenage boys. I’m an Image Consultant trained and certified by the world’s #1 Christian Image Consultant, Shari Braendel, Founder & CEO of Style by Color.

My passion began long ago. I became interested in learning about color and image in my late twenties and began following and learning from experts in order to take strides in my own style journey. I began to pass my guidance on to friends and family over the years and ultimately decided that this passion was not going to go away. I absolutely love helping women feel beautiful! I am so excited to bring my passion to you!


Mobile: (512) 903-1760



Site by Kole Hoenicke


Mobile: (512) 903-1760



Site by Kole Hoenicke


Mobile: (512) 903-1760



Site by Kole Hoenicke